2019 HONDA Insight

Contact Seller for Price
86,397 Miles
19,759 Miles
above average

Vehicle Details

Mileage: 86397
Color: White
Body Style: Sedan
Transmission: Automatic
Engine: 1.5L 4
Drive Train: 2WD
Fuel: Hybrid

Vehicle Engine:
Last odometer reading:
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Full report includes maximum info:

  • Major Accidents
  • Open Recalls
  • Vehicle Services
  • Airbag Deployment
  • Total Loss
  • and more
Vehicle History Report
Open Safety Recalls
Sales Records

Recalls & Defects

VIN 19XZE4F97KE009987 may have been recalled. Check full report for more information

Various system malfunctions such as inoperative windshield wipers, defroster, rearview camera, or exterior lighting can increase the risk of a crash.

Honda (American Honda Motor Co.) is recalling certain 2018-2020 Accord Sedan, Accord Hybrid, and 2019-2020 Insight vehicles. A software error may cause intermittent or continuous disruptions in communication between the Body Control Module (BCM) and other components. This may result in malfunctions of various systems such as the windshield wipers and defroster, rearview camera, exterior lights, audible warning of a stopped vehicle, and power window operation. As such, these vehicles fail to comply with the requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) number 103, "Windshield Defrosting and Defogging Systems" and number 111, "Rear Visibility" as well as FMVSS numbers 104, 108, 114, 118, and 305.

Vehicle Records & Info. Your report VIN 19XZE4F97KE009987 includes:

Vehicle specifications
Safety report
Environment report
Recalls & Defects
Manufacturer info
Alternate listings
Bill of sale Service
State Documentation
Accident history
Title information
60+ Vehicle problems
Odometer readings
Taxi, Lease, Police use
Structural Damages
Total loss & Theft check
Junk & Salvage

Information about Dealer

Great Service
Ritch Young on 02/16/2017

Customer Service: 5 Buying Process: 5 Quality Of Repair: 5 Overall Facilities: 5

I came for a specific car and I got what I wanted for a good deal. I will definitely recommend this dealership for my friends.

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