2008 CHEVROLET Corvette

below average
64,830 Miles
17,086 Miles
above average

Vehicle Details

Mileage: 64830
Color: Black
Body Style: Coupe
Transmission: Automatic
Engine: 6.2L gas
Drive Train: Unknown
Fuel: Gasoline
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Vehicle History Report
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Sales Records


This 2008 Corvette was purchased from a local connection out of Sterling Heights. The owner and his dad loved this car and were diligent in their maintenance and care for the car. This Corvette is ready for this spring/summer to hit the road. For mo...

Vehicle Rating & Owner Reviews

Overall Rating
based on 94 Reviews

Z06 compresses time and space.

Sonderklasse on 10/13/2016

Comfort Rating: 3 Performance Rating: 5 Interior Rating: 3 Value Rating: 5

With 500 or so horsepower in a 3200-lb. car, things happen a lot faster than you expect, and you get from point A to point B a lot faster than you expected. And this isn't the first fast car I've owned. But I'd love the Z06 if it had half the power--the Corvette team "added lightness" (aluminum, titanium, magnesium and carbon fiber) and the car feels alive. Yet the Z06 isn't particularly punishing, except for the gas bill. The handling is sharp, up to a point. I've never tracked it, and the car's limits are so high that it's difficult or impossible to explore them on the street, but my sense, based on some "spirited" driving in the hills, is that you take a Z06 past 8/10s at your peril. It's extremely easy to get the car out of shape with a little too much throttle, even at low speeds. Whether there's too much power for the chassis, or the chassis doesn't give enough feedback for the car to inspire confidence at or near the limit, I don't know. Probably both. The unpredictability is part of the thrill, of course, but I'd think twice before turning off the traction control. Anyway, it's the first car in 46 years of driving that hasn't ended up boring me. Tremendous bang for the buck, as long as you can keep it pointed straight.